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Executive Director Circles/Session 2/ Leveraging data collection and evaluation

ED Circles

Session 2: Leveraging data collection and evaluation to tell our stories, improve our programming, and increase our funding

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Course Requirements
Complete the activities within each module. It is recommended to complete them in order. When prompted within modules, return to this course page to add to the discussion board. Then complete any final assignments within the module.

Course Outline & Materials

Course Q&A
Course Q&A
Module 1
Session 1 June 15th 2pm EST Please click to access the training and resources
Facilitated by Vilmarie Rivera Sierra in Spanish with English interpretation
Zoom Link
Session Evaluation
On-Demand Video
material taller junta directores
Module 2
Session 2: June 22nd 2pm EST Please click to access the training and resources
Facilitated by Alexandra Shields Pineros. Leveraging data collection and evaluation to tell our stories, improve our programing, and increase our funding.
Zoom link
Session Evaluation
Executive Director Circles/Session 2/ Leveraging data collection and evaluation ED Circles
2 Modules
1h 0m
Live Webinar
0.00 CEUs
Presented by
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