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Guardians ad Litem: A Webinar Series To Enhance DV Practice

2024 Series

BWJP, in partnership with NCJFCJ, is hosting a four-part live webinar series to enhance guardian ad litem practice when working cases where there is domestic violence. Each webinar will feature a conversation with an expert on an advanced topic that impacts GAL practice.

On January 31, 2024 at 12pm CT/1pm ET join Scott Hampton (Ending the Violence) in a conversation about how to work with perpetrators of harm. Abuse thrives on privacy and secrecy making it difficult to detect and assess the extent of coercive control. During this conversation, we will pull back the curtain to reveal the agenda and strategies of those who cause harm. Our focus will be two-fold: (1) What do those who cause harm say and how do they present themselves while under observation? And (2) How can we engage them during an investigation so that we can elicit the information we need to develop a safe and effective plan for their families?

On February 28, 2024 at 12pm CT/1pm ET join Jennifer Becker (BWJP) on a conversation about interviewing children. From formal training and lessons learned in practice, Jennifer will discuss tips for interviewing children, particularly those who have been subjected to or witnessed violence and abuse. Through conversation, Jennifer will provide advice about age-appropriate ways to discuss sensitive topics, avoiding asking leading or suggestive questions, and identifying when to ask follow-up questions to elicit more detail.

On July 24, 2024 at 12pm CT/1pm ET join Carole Warshaw (NCDVTMH) in a conversation about the co-occurring issues of domestic violence, mental health, and substance use. Participants will learn implications for their GAL work when working with clients who present with co-occurring issues.

On August 28, 2024 at 12pm CT/1pm ET join Angela Lewis Dmello (Northeast Youth & Family Services, Minnesota) in a conversation about addressing secondary and vicarious trauma that can happen during GAL work. Engaging in sustainable practice requires an understanding of traumatic stress reactions to exposure to others’ experiences of suffering.

This project was supported by Grant No. 15JOVW-22-GK-04032-MUMU awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.

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Course Requirements
Complete the activities within each module. It is recommended to complete them in order. When prompted within modules, return to this course page to add to the discussion board. Then complete any final assignments within the module.

Course Outline & Materials

Course Q&A
Course Q&A
Module 1
Scott Hampton (Ending the Violence) on How to Work with Perpetrators of Harm
Join Scott Hampton (Ending the Violence) for a conversation on How to Work with Perpetrators of Harm during the course of a GAL investigation.
Zoom Link
Webinar Recording
The Gottman Institute: The Four Horsement
The Strangulation Chronicles
Module 2
Carole Warshaw and co-occurring issues of domestic violence, mental health, and substance use
Join Carole Warshaw in a conversation about the co-occurring issues of domestic violence, mental health, and substance use.
Zoom Link
Module 3
Angela Lewis Dmello on Addressing GAL Secondary and Vicarious Trauma
Join Angela Lewis Dmello in a conversation about addressing secondary and vicarious trauma that can happen during GAL work.
Zoom Link
Module 4
Jennifer Becker (BWJP) on Interviewing Children
Join Jennifer Becker (BWJP) on how to best conduct a conversation with children during the course of a GAL investigation.
Zoom Link
Webinar Recording
Guardians ad Litem: A Webinar Series To Enhance DV Practice 2024 Series
4 Modules
4h 0m
Live Webinar
0.00 CEUs
Presented by
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