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Estamos Aquí/ Peer to Peer – Mentorship: How We Excel Together

Live Webinar

Join us on February 20th at 1 p.m. CT for our second Estamos Aquí / Peer to Peer workshop of the year, Mentorship: How We Excel Together. During the workshop we will discuss the importance of mentorship within the gender based violence field amongst BIPOC/Latin@ individuals who hold entry, mid, and senior positions. Mentorship allows us to build unique relationships that provide guidance, support, and teachings with people who have shared beliefs, interests, and ambitions.

- This session will take place in English. Any interpretation requests must be received five days prior to the event.


Acompáñenos el 20 de febrero a la 1 p.m. CT para nuestro segundo taller de Estamos Aquí / Peer to Peer del año, Mentorazgo: Cómo Sobresalimos Junt@s. Durante el taller, discutiremos la importancia del mentorazgo dentro del campo de la violencia de género entre personas BIPOC/Latin@ que ocupan puestos de entrada, intermedios, y superiores. El mentorazgo nos permite construir relaciones únicas que brindan orientación, apoyo y enseñanzas con personas que comparten nuestr@s creencias, intereses y ambiciones.

- Esta sesión se tomara acabo en Ingles. Cualquier solicitud de interpretación deberá recibirse cinco días antes del evento.

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Course Requirements
Complete the activities within each module. It is recommended to complete them in order. When prompted within modules, return to this course page to add to the discussion board. Then complete any final assignments within the module.

Course Outline & Materials

Course Q&A
Course Q&A
Module 1
February 20, 2024 1-2pm CT
Select here for the Zoom link to the live meeting on 2/20/24 from 1-2pm CT
Zoom Link
Session Recording
Estamos Aquí/ Peer to Peer – Mentorship: How We Excel Together Live Webinar
1 Module
1h 0m
Live Webinar
0.00 CEUs
Presented by
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