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A SAFeR Approach to Decision-Making: An Introduction

Webinar On-demand

SAFeR is an approach to decision making in family law matters. This brief webinar will provide an overview of SAFeR and an introduction to the worksheets. Using this framework, we can improve the safety and outcomes for survivors and their children. SAFeR consists of four steps:

1. Screening for violence

2. Assessing the full nature and context

3. Focusing on the effects of GBV

4. Responding to the lived experience of the violence

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Course Requirements
Complete the activities within each module. It is recommended to complete them in order. When prompted within modules, return to this course page to add to the discussion board. Then complete any final assignments within the module.

Course Outline & Materials

Course Q&A
Course Q&A
Module 1
Webinar and Course Evaluation
Watch the recorded webinar here and then complete the course evaluation. To generate a certificate of completion, you must select "Finish Course" after you complete the course evaluation.
SAFeR Approach to Decision-Making Webinar
Course Evaluation
A SAFeR Approach to Decision-Making: An Introduction Webinar On-demand
1 Module
0h 20m
Webinar Replay
0.00 CEUs
Presented by
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