Over the past year and a half, API-GBV strove to learn more deeply from our community of front-line advocates, national partners, systems contacts, and allies through a series of listening sessions, assessment, and surveys. During this webinar, staff shared themes and learnings from these sessions with the broader community. This includes barriers faced by survivors from the diverse AAPI community, how COVID has impacted the last year of advocacy, and intersections with experiences of xenophobia and racism. From these learnings are recommendations and priorities for programs, funders, educators, systems, and policymakers.
This training was funded by Grant #90EV0430 from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); Administration for Children and Families; Administration of Children, Youth and Families; Family Violence Division. The viewpoints contained in this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views or policies of the Administration for Children and Families.