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Trauma-Informed Care for AAPI Survivors: 3-Part Webinar Series

Webinar on-demand

Presented in collaboration with four AAPI community organizations and shelters, this webinar series explores the impacts of trauma on AAPI survivors and communities. Presenters share insight about working with survivors in shelter and through immigration and legal cases; and discuss best practices for providing culturally-specific, trauma-informed services, particularly within the context of COVID-19.

This training was funded by Grant #90EV0430 from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); Administration for Children and Families; Administration of Children, Youth and Families; Family Violence Division. The viewpoints contained in this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views or policies of the Administration for Children and Families.

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Course Requirements
Complete the activities within each module. It is recommended to complete them in order. When prompted within modules, return to this course page to add to the discussion board. Then complete any final assignments within the module.

Course Outline & Materials

Course Q&A
Course Q&A
Module 1
Webinar 1 - Trauma-informed Empowerment for AAPI Resiliency through Services during COVID
How individual and collective trauma manifest for survivors and communities. Practices for trauma-informed care during COVID-19 through legal and immigration processes, at shelter, and in building healthy communities.
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Module 2
Webinar 2 - From the Roots of Trauma to the Flowering of Trauma-Informed Care
Learnings for orgs intending to create internal cultures of trauma-informed care. Vicarious trauma in board/staff, evaluation scales and tools, and how trauma-informed lens is woven into survivor services in both short term care and long term healing
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Module 3
Webinar 3 - Healing through Connection
Healing doesn't always need to involve complex tools; providing survivors with safe spaces to connect over simple activities like sampling traditional crafts and food, spiritual practices, and sharing cultural meaning goes a long way.
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Trauma-Informed Care for AAPI Survivors: 3-Part Webinar Series Webinar on-demand
3 Modules
4h 30m
Webinar Replay
0.00 CEUs
Presented by
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