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The Pasifika Power & Control Wheel Translation Project

Webinar on-demand

The Power & Control wheel is one of the most widely recognized training tools for visualizing the experiences of domestic violence survivors; yet, partners on our Pasifika Power & Control Wheel translation project realized quickly that it does not fully capture the experiences of Native Hawaiian, Samoan, and Chuukese survivors. In this webinar, project lead Matāpuna Levenson will describe the process and approach to the Wheel translation project, and why it involved much more than word-for-word translations. She will introduce the finished report, tools, and DV glossaries that were produced, and how educators and advocates can use them to engage Native Hawaiian, Samoan, and Chuukese survivors and communities around gender-based violence.

This training was funded by Grant #90EV0430 from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); Administration for Children and Families; Administration of Children, Youth and Families; Family Violence Division. The viewpoints contained in this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views or policies of the Administration for Children and Families.

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Module 1
Webinar on-demand
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The Pasifika Power & Control Wheel Translation Project Webinar on-demand
1 Module
100h 30m
Webinar Replay
0.00 CEUs
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